Is your team healthy enough to keep itself and your organization strong?

Take a short quiz to survey your team's performance and important factors that impact job satisfaction, productivity, and revenue.

What do results indicate?

The score of a mini PRŌ-FIT4TEAMS™ survey helps gauge your team’s health in terms of the people who comprise it, the features of their roles, and the effect of organizational operations.

The lower your score, the greater the degree of team dysfunction. It’s a clue that you need to change something or someone so that your team and all of its contributions are optimally effective. A mid-range score suggests that you can make adjustments to improve performance. A high score earns you a round of applause! It validates that you’re paying close attention to your people, policies and procedures, and the quality of the service or product you deliver.

  • Needs oxygen (yikes…your team is in distress) 25% 25%
  • Wheezing (uh-oh…your team is compromised) 50% 50%
  • Hiccups now and then (pretty good…but there’s room for refinement) 75% 75%
  • Healthy, wealthy and wise (ahhh…running like a well-oiled machine) 100% 100%

Now what?

The mini PRŌ-FIT4TEAMS™ survey won’t solve whatever problems you identify, but it will give you great food for thought and hopefully, a nudge to take action if you detect trouble.

If your team is doing great, then BRAVO! Keep it up.

But, if you need more focused attention to eliminate challenges that are eroding performance, morale, productivity, and of course, revenue stability, then please get in touch to discuss a collaboration. We have proprietary tools at our fingertips and decades of experience to contribute toward resolution.

We’re ready when you are!

When the right PEOPLE fit in the right ROLES in the right ORGANIZATION, the chance for personal fulfillment and organizational harmony is more likely, which will make for happy people, good business and of course, more profit.

PRŌ-FIT4TEAMS™ Developers

Lisa and Al are career-long entrepreneurs who have worked in and around organizations, and each has operated their own. They are smart, savvy professionals with a fierce work ethic and a deep respect for people. As individuals, they are blow-the-curve capable and together, they are a troubleshooting-problem-solving powerhouse.

Lisa Manyoky

Lisa Manyoky

Presence Intelligence®
Co-host of The Advocates

Al Cini

Al Cini

Brand & Culture Alignment Toolkit
Co-host of The Advocates

©2022-2024 PRŌ-FIT4TEAMS™. All rights reserved.